APRIL SUGGESTIONS We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
Well Rita and Leroy dropped the LAWSUIT!!!! Thank you guys ,what great people you are. Thanks for helping your neighbors out!
Hmmm. I think that "Reta and LeRoy dropped the lawsuit" entry was an April Fools joke gone bad. Don't think anything has been dropped. It begs the question, though, of "why not".
come on guys swallow your pride and drop the suit..you are both sooooo stubborn and narrow minded! REALLY! What a silly way to spend your money...do you think anybody is going to care in a year? (You) wont even remember it in few years!
That is not true that it was over when the new election was held. As of last week no ex-board member sued had been notified the law suit was dropped. You have your info all wrong.
I have a suggestion. Any chance you could list the newest comments first instead of last? It would sure be nice to not have to scroll through all the old comments every time we check out the blog.
I'm sorry but the format won't let me arrange that. What people can do is at the top click "Jump to comment form" and work backwards for the lastest comments. Thanks for the suggestion.
Interesting results re: Poll question on Newsletter. I almost hit "Don't Care" after reading the latest front page article! For those who have not gotten it yet, be near a recepticle in case you do not have an Air Barf Bag nearby! Why some folks cannot be glad to just have a job and shut up, I will never understand!
Watch out for what you wish for, you may get it, and sometimes it will be welcome like this one: True or False?, Aaramark has a posting, on line, for a Hospitality Manager for LIV!!??? Who will please question the NEED for this position? We need funds in the Major Disaster fund, or whatever has 50K and no addition to it lateley, more than we need to fill a do nothing slot. Maybe another member, recognized on Not, from LD's family is in line??!!
I wonder who's wife gave our management an "A" for management’s performance towards maintaining the pool facility? I probably would be right on my first guess.
Everyone needs to go to aramark and read the job discription for the hospitality manager. The requirements are for a high school graduate. I think we need to forget the hospitality manager. It can be handled by the other overpaid staff.
I would really feel bad for anyone that came in after LH. We don't need another LH. Besides ld's pay would be cut some more because the HM position would be relinquished. Unless Aramark has that rule the position needs to be filled for at least 2 years.
I cant believe how stupid Aramark is not to see our displeasure LIV has with their associates .. We rid the so call security they provided and now we want Les out. When does the ld walk? what are we doing working our way up?
Your concern and interest in our Village made us happy. "YA'LL" come to Texas again! Your Manager, Larry
GAG ME! A little to late LD! Many of us want out.. check the board lately in the activity center!Check out the realstate compamies in the area! What interest us is, why are you still here? Tell your friends to drop that damn lawsuit! That's what should have done months and months ago! You don't care about us! You never have. Its all about the money and being dishonest. Well we where are not blind nor taken by your words , NOT ANYMORE. You didn't write that insert in the paper. You don't know how to use those words. Never mind feel them! And neither do your so called friends. Just please leave! Let us heal. No more of your lies!
A blonde and her husband are lying in bed listening to the next door neighbor's dog. It has been in the backyard barking for hours and hours. The blonde jumps up out of bed and says, "I've had enough of this". She goes downstairs. The blonde finally comes back up to bed and her husband says "The dog is still barking, what have you been doing?" The blonde says, "I put the dog in our backyard, let's see how THEY like it!
OK, what's up with Pat Burke??? She is the Class Clown of LIV.She thinks she's a comedian. She makes some remark about everything that goes on. At the Coffees, Board Meetings, and even at Bingo, she's got a comment about something or someone. I, for one am tired of her remarks. Too bad she doesn't have a mute button.
Going on 2 1/2 months since the board approved the new web site...can I suggest suggest that someone follow up and see if it's actually being implemented? Maybe someone forgot to tell the vendor they have the contract? Or maybe it's just slooooowww response from the vendor?
In response to the web site vendor questions. Maybe it is the slooooowww response from our board and the people in charge to sign off on the web site design.
Regarding the election results. I hope that the new board takes into consideration all the village voters as they start to work on the coming year. Yes, the LD supporters were elected and those who asked for the removal of LD were voted down. However, those voters accounted for more then 1/3 of all of the votes cast. That is a large number of our Villagers who want to see a management company that fulfills their contractual agreements and an onsite manager who can be trusted and be accountable for his actions. I feel the new board still needs to take into account those village owners and their feelings if they want unity and peace in the Village. If LD is such an important part of their agenda, then they need to ask that he make some changes in his actions and demeanor. Being more honest, accountable, proactive and out in the Village more often to see what is actully going on and to talk with the owners would be a great step forward for everyone :)
RE: Regarding the election results. I hope that the new board takes into consideration all the village voters as they start to work on the coming year. Yes, the LD supporters were elected and those who asked for the removal of LD were voted down.
They were not voted down, they were removed from power by a lawsuit and targeted by PB and the SGG company all summer long until it seemed they were the disrupters. LD can do anything he wants now, just like he did before, without accountability. The pool is a prime example. He lied as to what the indoor pool problems were last March. It wasn't suntan oil, it was Berry Pools and their equipment malfunctioning and the pool water chemistry was not OK. Owners and new Directors beware.
they were removed by an organized and unhappy silent majority. you can call it anything you want to but the fab five sic; were ugly!! the bottom line is they did not make their agenda known when they were running, only after they got in did we discover how ugly they were.
Why cant we put FOR SALE SIGNS IN OUR WINDOWS???????????? I don't care if its in the bylaws! What does it hurt. We need to let people know our places are for sale!!!!!!!!!
Why can we have managers that lie and etc! We will put our signs in the windows if we want! What ever happened to that discussion last year about those red and blue makers, put them on our lawns to let people know what's for rent or for sale? Why can't we do that? We need to sell!
The real problem was the Fab Five didn't "know how" to be ugly. Their campaigns were absolutely transparent & we all knew their platform was for change. Clean pools, green grass, accountability. There is nothing wrong with asking to replace a manager. It happened in 2003...for having a relationship with an employee. LD just hasn't been caught yet. The Fab Five can hold their heads high. This is how some see ugly: -Ugly is digging up parts of someones old divorce records & handing them out. -Ugly is spreading vicious lies about another person (persons). -Ugly is wasting the parks money on a frivolous lawsuit. -Ugly is flipping your middle finger at board members during meetings. -Ugly is denying the existence of your own child because of her weight. -Ugly is shaming your own child & grand children in their community to get yourself out of a jam. -Ugly is lying. -Ugly is the way the common areas look, especially the entrance to our park with weeds, dead grass & dead trees. -Ugly is a faded out swimsuit after a dip in our pools & hot tubs. -Ugly is the way the pool ladies treat owners & renters. -Ugly is the way our employees are treated by LD. -Ugly is the so called remodel in bath house 3. -Ugly is taking credit for things other people have accomplished. -Ugly is what the next lawsuit will be if the BOD releases Securitas & reinstates unlicensed Aramark.
RE: they were removed by an organized and unhappy silent majority.
Try a loud and at times rude small group that was unhappy but became well organized behind certain directors and aided by the management they were protecting. Several times they mailed what appeared to be official LIV letters sent to persuade unknowable owners to vote a proxy for certain candidates, including the ones instrumental in this last year’s chaos. The candidates actually made their agenda clear at the beginning. Many owners were upset with management and they said if elected they would ensure more accountability. It was even written on their brochures for crying out loud. You say our Village people are considered ugly when trying to get some straight answers out of our general manager. I don’t buy it and few do. I must admit though, your group did a great job to get this accountability monkey off of your GM’s back. Your group promoted a ridiculous directors recall and when that didn’t work, you sued at owner’s expense to stop them from making our GM accountable. You formed your cool gang and sent letters which appeared to be official LIV mailers and gave many of the uninformed proxy voters the impression that there were only eleven candidates to choose from. It was these overwhelming and never before heard of numbers in proxy votes that secured what you called your silent majority. Your bottom line is a fabrication and that’s what’s really ugly.
I just did and thankyou. I reminded myself pf what was taught to me by my parents. Stand up for what you believe is right and never accept what you know is a wrong or something unjust. You better start living with that because here it comes.
RE:How about a petition to rid LIV of the GM? You blogger have no backbone or are a very slow thinker! Why didnt you start one oh lets see... Febs end! This is not how you start one, by asking permission? NO! Just do it! Start knocking at doors, dont forget mine!
Wow, there is a lot of 'ugly' out there. That previous list of 'ugly is' is right on the mark. Thanks for that blog. Hopefully people will see the GM for what he is.
Only eight more days and we'll be exactly 3 months, that's one quarter of year, since the new LIV web site was approved at the Jan 31 board meeting; but alas, same ol' crappy web site still onlne.
Everyone plan to attend the meeting with Securitas on Thursday, April 23 @ 11:30 in the Rec Hall. Should be interesting. LD, PB, and the SGG are probably going to lambast Securitas and have plans to get rid of the licensed security company.
Why is it when we finally get good security "the board and ld" have to mess with it. I am so sick of this group doing what they want and waiting until the winter folks are gone and then doing all of this. I think we pay our dues and should have a voice in this. Securitas is the best thing that has happened for us in a long time and I have seen them in action. Larry is only concerned with his Paycheck (welfare) and not in the least concerned with the people of this village.Aramark proved they could not do the security job. Since they do not like Securitas maybe we should do away with security altogether as we were paying a big bill to Aramark and getting nothing in return. If we want to get rid of someone it should be Larry the Loser and PB his sidekick.
If they get rid of the licensed security company, file a lawsuit against LD & PB for neglecting their duties for our safety as owners. What's one more?
PB, the dictator, has already taken over. Did anyone doubt that was going to happen? Why do we need a 9 member board? She's going to do what she wants.
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View full job description Save to MyCareerBuilder Saved Job (View Saved Jobs) Email to a friend Aramark TX - Brownsville (23 miles) 1 Week Ago
I don't get it. There are hundreds of available jobs with Aramark. How is it that Les can not find one? Probably because he is not qualified. Just like he isn't qualified to be the Hospitality Manager.
If you think this is bad, P.B., when asked about membership on the Security Committee, blew it off with the reply that she and Eddie (Montalvo, I presume) would look into/take care of it! When this will happen who knows since he (Eddie) does NOT attend Coffee or the Workshop where the Agenda for the Board Mtg. is set. Interesting that the SECRETARY who is responsible for the Agenda chooses to be ABSENT. Maybe someone who attends should be Secretary!? Beware SGG, she even blew off a couple of the orchestrated "complaints" for Securitas from the usual dedicated, focused, unbiased owners! You to may have been had!? With 18 of the 25(?)+ or - that were reported to have been in attendance the above mentioned "unbiased" group, it is a wonder that Sand Bags were not passed out at the door.
RE: There are hundreds of available jobs with Aramark. How is it that Les can not find one? Probably because he is not qualified. Just like he isn't qualified to be the Hospitality Manager.
EXACTLY! If he's related to the LIV General Manager by blood OR marriage, then he's not qualified to serve at LIV according to the ARAMARK Business Code of Conduct!!!!
WAKE UP PEOPLE OF LIV!!!! AMAZING this is still allowed to continue! What, someone on the Board's being paid off, or what???
In the summer of 2007 the BOD was notified of the family relationship between LD and LH. The 2007 BOD did nothing, the 2008 BOD did nothing - do you really think this BOD will be any different?
How can you say the 2008 BOD did nothing about the relationship between LD and LH? It was brought up at meetings by the BOD and continually denied by LD. Even with written proof it was denied. The 2008 BOD tried to make LD tell the truth about this relationship several times.
RE: What was done about it? The Board members who questioned LD's accountability were sued costing us money and the lawsuit tied their hands to do anything about it. Then the so called 'silent majority' slandered them with the 'cool' letter. There's your answer.
I guess I missed something. The D & E Committee is blowing their own horn? Where the heck did that come from? Were you trying to think of something else to be mad about and the D & E just came to mind? I know many of these people, and they "don't blow their own horn". They work hard as VOLUNTEERS so the rest of us can have fun. They do it because they enjoy it, not for pats on the back. They are nice people who don't deserve what you said. Shame on you.
I am a winter resident at LIV but I feel that the summer people deserve the same treatment. I don't get the division between the two. We are all owners at LIV.Doesn't make any difference. As far as the entertainment committee. I think there could be a more diverse group and not the click that is on the committee. I also see where the person who commented on the D&E committee is coming from if you read the newsletter.Alot more publicity that anything else.
RE: D & E Stop blowing your own horn... What's up with that comment? I have not heard any of this group 'blow their horn'. The D & E is a group of volunteers who plan activities for the residents. The majority of these volunteers are Winter Texans, therefore the activities are planned during those months. There is now some interest for some activities in the summer, which have been planned. The hope would be that the summer residents will participate.
Once again, PB didn't let a Director speak. If you weren't in attendance at the BOD meeting, the GM made a response to a comment made by Dir. White about LH not being qualified to run the resturant. The GM's response was about LH's experience with food service in nursing homes. When Dir. White ask to respond to the GM, PB did not let her. Something's wrong with that.
That person who writes the DandE spot in the letter says the funs all over because the people went home. Some one from that commitee said the summer people better stay out of the closet where all the decorations are. They belong to the summer people too. It is the managers job to have things for us too. That bruke lady talks to much. The men just sit and stare there wives taught them well. That White lady is brave to speak about LH.
It's come to my attention that "I" have been mentioned in this blog. "I" am the person who writes the D & E spot and "I" am not going to sign this ANONYMOUS. I am Pat Diebold. I write the D & E article for the WINTER TEXANS. I do not get paid and I am not there in the summer. And my fun IS over when I go home! There has not been a D & E Committee in the summer since I've been there. I think it's a great idea that there is a summer D & E Committee. That's how it should be, and they should be writing an article during the summer instead of me! The crack about "staying out of the closet where the decorations are" is totally STUPID. FYI - I personally spent about 6 hours helping Joan Olson clean the D & E "closet" (and I know another lady helped about the same amount of time which means Joan spent about 12 hours!) so that the summer people could find things easier. Did you get that? THE SUMMER PEOPLE. Incidentally, that "closet" is 5 ROOMS and takes a lot of time to clean and organize! One more bit of information. LIV does not GIVE the D & E Committee our money to operate. We have raised the money at the dances, cocktail parties, etc. to pay for the things in the D & E "closet". We plan, we hire entertainment, we decorate, we sell tickets. All the people mentioned in the newsletter really do volunteer their time and talents to make this happen. WINTER TEXANS have paid for the things in the D & E room but are happy to share. A summer D & E Committee is a great idea, but they need to put in the same effort the winter one does! The manager does not provide the entertainment (or money) for the winter people. The D & E does. The same should apply for the summer people. If you don't know this, then you have not been paying attention to YOUR VILLAGE! Instead of complaining, why don't YOU volunteer????? My time with the D & E Committee is a labor of love. Yours should be too.
your quote.. LIV does not GIVE the D & E Committee our money to operate. We have raised the money at the dances, cocktail parties, etc. to pay for the things in the D & E "closet".
OUR MONEY! There you go again blowing your horn! You are mistsken if LIV did not go to the events you would not have OUR money! I dont think you want anybody in your closet with 5 rooms.
How do you organize activities for Summer owners who, by far and large, are only here Fri., Sat., and Sundays??? It is not in the nature of the people involved to have the same activities as the Mid-Westerners that are here in the Winter. They would rather have a beer drinking, good food pachanga in my opinion! This they do FAMILY wide and on their own, LA FAMILIA rules! There are TWO DISTINCT cultures involved here and GOOD LUCK getting participation in a Summder D&E, however great it would be!
There wasn't to many people to choose from you know. The same old farts got on. Who in their right mind would vote SR, VM. The SGG, got to hand it to them, great strategic moves. We have some good people in there now, I'm not talking about DP, DH, MS, pb. They have their hands full with other dirs. No balls though they cant tell pb to shhhhh quiet! I feel it coming.
To the "blow your own horn" person - What part of "plan events, hire entertainment, sell tickets" don't you understand? The money does belong to the D & E Committee which is part of LIV which uses the money to plan more events so LIV people can have more fun! The D & E does not use the money for their own personal pleasures. It all goes back to sponsoring events for all the residents of LIV. That's the whole purpose of D & E. We don't want you in our "closet"? Here's a suggestion. Why don't YOU volunteer to head up the summer D & E Committee. Then why don't YOU contact someone from the winter D & E Committee and ask for some assistance. Then why don't YOU start planning some summer activities. Oh, and by the way - if you're looking for something in particular in the D & E "closet", let us know. We'll be happy to tell you where to find it. And when you get the summer D & E committee active and working, we'll even tell you where that HORN is so you can blow it yourself. Bottom line - stop making assumptions and get the facts. There is no reason for hostility between winter and summer people. The person who said there are two distinct cultures in summer and winter is correct. The winter people are here every day for 3 - 6 months. It's easier to plan things. It's nobody's fault. That's just the way it is. Will it work in the summer? You won't know unless YOU try. SO TRY IT! I am only one small part of the D & E Committee, and I am speaking for myself about what I know. I know that the volunteers on this committee do not deserve what you are dishing out. Blowing their own horn? They don't, but they should.
I believe you blow your horn in every newsletter Pat.Try to be a little understanding or the other residents of the village who also pay their association dues and just want a fair shake.
you just don't get it ! if you want your share you have to work for it and put in the time like Pat and the entire committee does! so get off your duff and quit whinin
Well now we know how Dorothy felt when the water hit the target! Ding Dong!!!!!, etc. "So long, we surely will not miss you" will be the party theme(s). Interesting that there was 2 versions. BIG surprise, Ha!, of the 'termination", the board getting the retirement routine and Staff getting the "thousands" of letter complaints cost his job routine, according to the word from the "bug-on-the-ceiling"! I suppose there was to be an outpouring of sympathy from Staff, I suspect a lot of dead silence was probably the norm! After announcing the "retirement" LD reportedly put his hat in the ring for a Board slot! Talk about CONFLICT OF INTEREST! 3-5 years from now should be required, if at any time! I CANNOT imagine trying to do the General manager's job with the old guy still here LEAST of all ON The BOARD! AZ should get a bug in his ear to be VERY careful about any "bad habits" he may want to pass along to the NEW guy, if he does not "retire" also!!!!!!
Very well said Pat D., but most of these bloggers still don't get it! They rather complain and think negatively about everything. They are the CAVE people. Citizens Against Virtually Everything!!!
I like that (CAVE PEOPLE!) ‘if by “cavemen” you mean people who live in caves.’ Just visit the town of Coober Pedy in South Australia, where opals are mined—it’s so hot that some miners live in underground houses. Real live ‘cavemen’ with TV sets!
I cannot believe how crazy this has gotten. This will be my last post on this subject, because if you haven't gotten it by now you never will. Your association dues DO NOT pay for the functions. Planning events and selling tickets does. Our winter D & E committee raises money and pays for the winter events. YOUR summer D & E committee should raise money and pay for the summer events. DO IT! I am not blowing MY horn. I am blowing the horn of everyone on the committee who work relentlessly to make it work. They deserve it! Volunteer and get it done. Enough said. Move on.
The monitoring of the 2010 Board will continue. There were again some discrepancies from last year and at the start of this year by the Board President. I am happy to say there is positive change with our new management.
This blog more than ever will try to further the transparency of all issues and reveal any half truths. If you are a concerned owner, either past or present, feel free to comment.
If you disagree on an issue, that’s ok, you have the right to voice your opinion. Comments containing vulgar language, racism, invalid promotions, or something that appears to be nothing more than a personal vendetta will not be posted. Please refrain from trivial back and forth bickering for it serves no one.
Well Rita and Leroy dropped the LAWSUIT!!!! Thank you guys ,what great people you are. Thanks for helping your neighbors out!
All is happy on the home front! Praise be!
RE: I heard that they couldn't get enough charity support to continue.
Hmmm. I think that "Reta and LeRoy dropped the lawsuit" entry was an April Fools joke gone bad. Don't think anything has been dropped. It begs the question, though, of "why not".
come on guys swallow your pride and drop the suit..you are both sooooo stubborn and narrow minded! REALLY!
What a silly way to spend your money...do you think anybody is going to care in a year? (You) wont even remember it in few years!
The lawsuit was over when the new election was held. Was is the point of going on? Yes it paid off and over!
That is not true that it was over when the new election was held. As of last week no ex-board member sued had been notified the law suit was dropped. You have your info all wrong.
We know its not over... Its an April Fools joke!
Like the the lawsuit!
I have a suggestion. Any chance you could list the newest comments first instead of last? It would sure be nice to not have to scroll through all the old comments every time we check out the blog.
I'm sorry but the format won't let me arrange that. What people can do is at the top click "Jump to comment form" and work backwards for the lastest comments. Thanks for the suggestion.
Suggestion: Someone should follow up on the new web site; was approved over 2 months ago, still not online.
What happened to the online newsletter? I hear there is one that some have gotten but not me and none online.
Interesting results re: Poll question on Newsletter. I almost hit "Don't Care" after reading the latest front page article! For those who have not gotten it yet, be near a recepticle in case you do not have an Air Barf Bag nearby! Why some folks cannot be glad to just have a job and shut up, I will never understand!
the lawsuit ended with the election, stop the foolhearty continuation of rumors please
If that's the case then why haven't the ex-directors that were sued not notified.
According to the lawyers, the suit is still active. Nothing has been dismissed.
While you are at it, look for a valid deed for Pat Burke......
If anyone was at the meeting the insurance guy stated the lawsuit was still on!
Watch out for what you wish for, you may get it, and sometimes it will be welcome like this one:
True or False?, Aaramark has a posting, on line, for a Hospitality Manager for LIV!!??? Who will please question the NEED for this position? We need funds in the Major Disaster fund, or whatever has 50K and no addition to it lateley, more than we need to fill a do nothing slot. Maybe another member, recognized on Not, from LD's family is in line??!!
I wonder who's wife gave our management an "A" for management’s performance towards maintaining the pool facility? I probably would be right on my first guess.
It could be one of our managers, you know, the one who was given backing by PB to be at his own evaluation and argued for a higher grade.
Everyone needs to go to aramark and read the job discription for the hospitality manager. The requirements are for a high school graduate. I think we need to forget the hospitality manager. It can be handled by the other overpaid staff.
I will be happy when we see a job opening for a general manager at LIV.
I would really feel bad for anyone that came in after LH.
We don't need another LH.
Besides ld's pay would be cut some more because the HM position would be relinquished. Unless Aramark has that rule the position needs to be filled for at least 2 years.
I cant believe how stupid Aramark is not to see our displeasure LIV has with their associates .. We rid the so call security they provided and now we want Les out. When does the ld walk? what are we doing working our way up?
Your concern and interest in our
Village made us happy. "YA'LL" come to
Texas again!
Your Manager, Larry
GAG ME! A little to late LD!
Many of us want out.. check the board lately in the activity center!Check out the realstate compamies in the area!
What interest us is, why are you still here?
Tell your friends to drop that damn lawsuit!
That's what should have done months and months ago!
You don't care about us! You never have. Its all about the money and being dishonest.
Well we where are not blind nor taken by your words , NOT ANYMORE.
You didn't write that insert in the paper. You don't know how to use those words. Never mind feel them! And neither do your so called friends.
Just please leave! Let us heal. No more of your lies!
When is the newsletter going to make it north of Texas?? Still haven't seen it.....
Go to http://longislandvillage.com/
and click on current newsletter. It is now there.
A blonde and her husband are lying in bed
listening to the next door neighbor's dog.
It has been in the backyard barking for hours and hours.
The blonde jumps up out of bed and says, "I've had enough of this".
She goes downstairs.
The blonde finally comes back up to bed
and her husband says "The dog is still barking,
what have you been doing?"
The blonde says,
"I put the dog in our backyard,
let's see how THEY like it!
OK, what's up with Pat Burke???
She is the Class Clown of LIV.She thinks she's a comedian. She makes some remark about everything that goes on. At the Coffees, Board Meetings, and even at Bingo, she's got a comment about something or someone.
I, for one am tired of her remarks. Too bad she doesn't have a mute button.
Going on 2 1/2 months since the board approved the new web site...can I suggest suggest that someone follow up and see if it's actually being implemented? Maybe someone forgot to tell the vendor they have the contract? Or maybe it's just slooooowww response from the vendor?
In response to the web site vendor questions. Maybe it is the slooooowww response from our board and the people in charge to sign off on the web site design.
can we relate?
Regarding the election results. I hope that the new board takes into consideration all the village voters as they start to work on the coming year. Yes, the LD supporters were elected and those who asked for the removal of LD were voted down. However, those voters accounted for more then 1/3 of all of the votes cast. That is a large number of our Villagers who want to see a management company that fulfills their contractual agreements and an onsite manager who can be trusted and be accountable for his actions. I feel the new board still needs to take into account those village owners and their feelings if they want unity and peace in the Village. If LD is such an important part of their agenda, then they need to ask that he make some changes in his actions and demeanor. Being more honest, accountable, proactive and out in the Village more often to see what is actully going on and to talk with the owners would be a great step forward for everyone :)
RE: Regarding the election results. I hope that the new board takes into consideration all the village voters as they start to work on the coming year. Yes, the LD supporters were elected and those who asked for the removal of LD were voted down.
They were not voted down, they were removed from power by a lawsuit and targeted by PB and the SGG company all summer long until it seemed they were the disrupters. LD can do anything he wants now, just like he did before, without accountability. The pool is a prime example. He lied as to what the indoor pool problems were last March. It wasn't suntan oil, it was Berry Pools and their equipment malfunctioning and the pool water chemistry was not OK. Owners and new Directors beware.
re;; they were voted out
they were removed by an organized and unhappy silent majority. you can call it anything you want to but the fab five sic; were ugly!!
the bottom line is they did not make their agenda known when they were running, only after they got in did we discover how ugly they were.
Why cant we put FOR SALE SIGNS IN OUR WINDOWS????????????
I don't care if its in the bylaws! What does it hurt. We need to let people know our places are for sale!!!!!!!!!
Why can we have managers that lie and etc! We will put our signs in the windows if we want!
What ever happened to that discussion last year about those red and blue makers, put them on our lawns to let people know what's for rent or for sale?
Why can't we do that?
We need to sell!
The real problem was the Fab Five didn't "know how" to be ugly. Their campaigns were absolutely transparent & we all knew their platform was for change. Clean pools, green grass, accountability. There is nothing wrong with asking to replace a manager. It happened in 2003...for having a relationship with an employee. LD just hasn't been caught yet. The Fab Five can hold their heads high.
This is how some see ugly:
-Ugly is digging up parts of someones old divorce records & handing them out.
-Ugly is spreading vicious lies about another person (persons).
-Ugly is wasting the parks money on a frivolous lawsuit.
-Ugly is flipping your middle finger at board members during meetings.
-Ugly is denying the existence of your own child because of her weight.
-Ugly is shaming your own child & grand children in their community to get yourself out of a jam.
-Ugly is lying.
-Ugly is the way the common areas look, especially the entrance to our park with weeds, dead grass & dead trees.
-Ugly is a faded out swimsuit after a dip in our pools & hot tubs.
-Ugly is the way the pool ladies treat owners & renters.
-Ugly is the way our employees are treated by LD.
-Ugly is the so called remodel in bath house 3.
-Ugly is taking credit for things other people have accomplished.
-Ugly is what the next lawsuit will be if the BOD releases Securitas & reinstates unlicensed Aramark.
Re: "Ugly"
Thank you for your great blog posting. You have said what so many of us think and just don't have the words for.
It is time for LIV to wake up! Nothing is going to get better until LD leaves.
RE: they were removed by an organized and unhappy silent majority.
Try a loud and at times rude small group that was unhappy but became well organized behind certain directors and aided by the management they were protecting. Several times they mailed what appeared to be official LIV letters sent to persuade unknowable owners to vote a proxy for certain candidates, including the ones instrumental in this last year’s chaos.
The candidates actually made their agenda clear at the beginning. Many owners were upset with management and they said if elected they would ensure more accountability. It was even written on their brochures for crying out loud.
You say our Village people are considered ugly when trying to get some straight answers out of our general manager. I don’t buy it and few do. I must admit though, your group did a great job to get this accountability monkey off of your GM’s back.
Your group promoted a ridiculous directors recall and when that didn’t work, you sued at owner’s expense to stop them from making our GM accountable. You formed your cool gang and sent letters which appeared to be official LIV mailers and gave many of the uninformed proxy voters the impression that there were only eleven candidates to choose from. It was these overwhelming and never before heard of numbers in proxy votes that secured what you called your silent majority. Your bottom line is a fabrication and that’s what’s really ugly.
Now what do we do about all this ugliness???
How about a petition to rid LIV of the GM?
What do when people don't like you, Take a real long look at yourself, and except it!
I just did and thankyou. I reminded myself pf what was taught to me by my parents. Stand up for what you believe is right and never accept what you know is a wrong or something unjust. You better start living with that because here it comes.
RE:How about a petition to rid LIV of the GM?
You blogger have no backbone or are a very slow thinker! Why didnt you start one oh lets see... Febs end!
This is not how you start one, by asking permission? NO! Just do it!
Start knocking at doors, dont forget mine!
Wow, there is a lot of 'ugly' out there.
That previous list of 'ugly is' is right on the mark.
Thanks for that blog. Hopefully people will see the GM for what he is.
Are there no reports from the April meetings?
There has been no meetings in April yet. Coffee w/ Directors is tomorrow. Will post as soon as possible.
Only eight more days and we'll be exactly 3 months, that's one quarter of year, since the new LIV web site was approved at the Jan 31 board meeting; but alas, same ol' crappy web site still onlne.
re: take charge
do you have an appointment or something?
obviously you have NEVER done anything like that GHEEZ!!!!!
Everyone plan to attend the meeting with Securitas on Thursday, April 23 @ 11:30 in the Rec Hall.
Should be interesting. LD, PB, and the SGG are probably going to lambast Securitas and have plans to get rid of the licensed security company.
Why is it when we finally get good security "the board and ld" have to mess with it. I am so sick of this group doing what they want and waiting until the winter folks are gone and then doing all of this. I think we pay our dues and should have a voice in this. Securitas is the best thing that has happened for us in a long time and I have seen them in action.
Larry is only concerned with his Paycheck (welfare) and not in the least concerned with the people of this village.Aramark proved they could not do the security job.
Since they do not like Securitas maybe we should do away with security altogether as we were paying a big bill to Aramark and getting nothing in return. If we want to get rid of someone it should be
Larry the Loser and PB his sidekick.
If they get rid of the licensed security company, file a lawsuit against LD & PB for neglecting their duties for our safety as owners.
What's one more?
PB, the dictator, has already taken over. Did anyone doubt that was going to happen?
Why do we need a 9 member board? She's going to do what she wants.
thanks i couldn't go to meeting wed.didn't see there was a meeting thur. till 12;30 thur.GOD I LOVE THIS PARK>
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Heres a job for LD or Les! Go get guys!
Assistant Food Service...
I don't get it. There are hundreds of available jobs with Aramark. How is it that Les can not find one?
Probably because he is not qualified. Just like he isn't qualified to be the Hospitality Manager.
If you think this is bad, P.B., when asked about membership on the Security Committee, blew it off with the reply that she and Eddie (Montalvo, I presume) would look into/take care of it! When this will happen who knows since he (Eddie) does NOT attend Coffee or the Workshop where the Agenda for the Board Mtg. is set. Interesting that the SECRETARY who is responsible for the Agenda chooses to be ABSENT. Maybe someone who attends should be Secretary!? Beware SGG, she even blew off a couple of the orchestrated "complaints" for Securitas from the usual dedicated, focused, unbiased owners! You to may have been had!? With 18 of the 25(?)+ or - that were reported to have been in attendance the above mentioned "unbiased" group, it is a wonder that Sand Bags were not passed out at the door.
RE: There are hundreds of available jobs with Aramark. How is it that Les can not find one?
Probably because he is not qualified. Just like he isn't qualified to be the Hospitality Manager.
EXACTLY! If he's related to the LIV General Manager by blood OR marriage, then he's not qualified to serve at LIV according to the ARAMARK Business Code of Conduct!!!!
WAKE UP PEOPLE OF LIV!!!! AMAZING this is still allowed to continue! What, someone on the Board's being paid off, or what???
In the summer of 2007 the BOD was notified of the family relationship between LD and LH. The 2007 BOD did nothing, the 2008 BOD did nothing - do you really think this BOD will be any different?
Where does this fit in!
How can you say the 2008 BOD did nothing about the relationship between LD and LH? It was brought up at meetings by the BOD and continually denied by LD. Even with written proof it was denied. The 2008 BOD tried to make LD tell the truth about this relationship several times.
And... so what was done about it???
What was done about it? All the board members who spoke the truth were thrown out. Exactly where have you been this past year?
News letter stinks! Waste of money. Who does this 5th graders?Doesn't anyone proof read?
What's with
Motion: SEC.Macbride moved to adjourn the meeting, Dir Mulch seconded. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 12:05
Why don't you just rub it in our faces Les Report-Larry Demalade (GM)
Give us break we know what your all about!
The D&E stop blowing your own horn we know what you do. Try being a little humble. Let us come to you!
RE: What was done about it?
The Board members who questioned LD's accountability were sued costing us money and the lawsuit tied their hands to do anything about it.
Then the so called 'silent majority' slandered them with the 'cool' letter.
There's your answer.
I guess I missed something. The D & E Committee is blowing their own horn? Where the heck did that come from? Were you trying to think of something else to be mad about and the D & E just came to mind? I know many of these people, and they "don't blow their own horn". They work hard as VOLUNTEERS so the rest of us can have fun. They do it because they enjoy it, not for pats on the back. They are nice people who don't deserve what you said. Shame on you.
The GM should volunteer maybe you would like him better.
Where is the entertainment for the summer people?
I am a winter resident at LIV but I feel that the summer people deserve the same treatment. I don't get the division between the two. We are all owners at LIV.Doesn't make any difference. As far as the entertainment committee. I think there could be a more diverse group and not the click that is on the committee. I also see where the person who commented on the D&E committee is coming from if you read the newsletter.Alot more publicity that anything else.
RE: D & E Stop blowing your own horn...
What's up with that comment? I have not heard any of this group 'blow their horn'.
The D & E is a group of volunteers who plan activities for the residents.
The majority of these volunteers are Winter Texans, therefore the activities are planned during those months.
There is now some interest for some activities in the summer, which have been planned.
The hope would be that the summer residents will participate.
Once again, PB didn't let a Director speak.
If you weren't in attendance at the BOD meeting, the GM made a response to a comment made by Dir. White about LH not being qualified to run the resturant. The GM's response was about LH's experience with food service in nursing homes.
When Dir. White ask to respond to the GM, PB did not let her.
Something's wrong with that.
That person who writes the DandE spot in the letter says the funs all over because the people went home. Some one from that commitee said the summer people better stay out of the closet where all the decorations are.
They belong to the summer people too. It is the managers job to have things for us too. That bruke lady talks to much. The men just sit and stare there wives taught them well. That White lady is brave to speak about LH.
It's come to my attention that "I" have been mentioned in this blog. "I" am the person who writes the
D & E spot and "I" am not going to sign this ANONYMOUS. I am Pat Diebold. I write the D & E article for the WINTER TEXANS. I do not get paid and I am not there in the summer. And my fun IS over when I go home! There has not been a D & E Committee in the summer since I've been there. I think it's a great idea that there is a summer D & E Committee. That's how it should be, and they should be writing an article during the summer instead of me! The crack about "staying out of the closet where the decorations are" is totally STUPID. FYI - I personally spent about 6 hours helping Joan Olson clean the D & E "closet" (and I know another lady helped about the same amount of time which means Joan spent about 12 hours!) so that the summer people could find things easier. Did you get that? THE SUMMER PEOPLE. Incidentally, that "closet" is 5 ROOMS and takes a lot of time to clean and organize! One more bit of information. LIV does not GIVE the D & E Committee our money to operate. We have raised the money at the dances, cocktail parties, etc. to pay for the things in the D & E "closet". We plan, we hire entertainment, we decorate, we sell tickets. All the people mentioned in the newsletter really do volunteer their time and talents to make this happen. WINTER TEXANS have paid for the things in the
D & E room but are happy to share. A summer D & E Committee is a great idea, but they need to put in the same effort the winter one does! The manager does not provide the entertainment (or money) for the winter people. The D & E does. The same should apply for the summer people. If you don't know this, then you have not been paying attention to YOUR VILLAGE! Instead of complaining, why don't YOU volunteer????? My time with the D & E Committee is a labor of love. Yours should be too.
your quote.. LIV does not GIVE the D & E Committee our money to operate. We have raised the money at the dances, cocktail parties, etc. to pay for the things in the D & E "closet".
OUR MONEY! There you go again blowing your horn!
You are mistsken if LIV did not go to the events you would not have OUR money! I dont think you want anybody in your closet with 5 rooms.
it sometimes amazes me how many small minded people live in our paradise, I wonder if EDEN was like this?
How do you organize activities for Summer owners who, by far and large, are only here Fri., Sat., and Sundays??? It is not in the nature of the people involved to have the same activities as the Mid-Westerners that are here in the Winter. They would rather have a beer drinking, good food pachanga in my opinion! This they do FAMILY wide and on their own, LA FAMILIA rules! There are TWO DISTINCT cultures involved here and GOOD LUCK getting participation in a Summder D&E, however great it would be!
There wasn't to many people to choose from you know. The same old farts got on. Who in their right mind would vote SR, VM. The SGG, got to hand it to them, great strategic moves.
We have some good people in there now, I'm not talking about DP, DH, MS, pb. They have their hands full with other dirs. No balls though they cant tell pb to shhhhh quiet! I feel it coming.
Eden. Well, let me see. I believe Adam and Eve were thrown out. So, I guess it was "like this".
To the "blow your own horn" person - What part of "plan events, hire entertainment, sell tickets" don't you understand? The money does belong to the D & E Committee which is part of LIV which uses the money to plan more events so LIV people can have more fun! The D & E does not use the money for their own personal pleasures. It all goes back to sponsoring events for all the residents of LIV. That's the whole purpose of D & E. We don't want you in our "closet"? Here's a suggestion. Why don't YOU volunteer to head up the summer D & E Committee. Then why don't YOU contact someone from the winter D & E Committee and ask for some assistance. Then why don't YOU start planning some summer activities. Oh, and by the way - if you're looking for something in particular in the D & E "closet", let us know. We'll be happy to tell you where to find it. And when you get the summer D & E committee active and working, we'll even tell you where that HORN is so you can blow it yourself. Bottom line - stop making assumptions and get the facts. There is no reason for hostility between winter and summer people. The person who said there are two distinct cultures in summer and winter is correct. The winter people are here every day for 3 - 6 months. It's easier to plan things. It's nobody's fault. That's just the way it is. Will it work in the summer? You won't know unless YOU try. SO TRY IT! I am only one small part of the D & E Committee, and I am speaking for myself about what I know. I know that the volunteers on this committee do not deserve what you are dishing out. Blowing their own horn? They don't, but they should.
Thank you, Pat D.!
You have no feelings with your words. You beat your chest till you are bruised.
We will have summer fun also. Enough said.
Thank you Pat! Those 2 comments pretty much sum the whole thing up!
I believe you blow your horn in every newsletter Pat.Try to be a little understanding or the other residents of the village who also pay their association dues and just want a fair shake.
you just don't get it ! if you want your share you have to work for it and put in the time like Pat and the entire committee does! so get off your duff and quit whinin
I believe you both have expressed your opinions enough that it's enough. Let's please move on to other topics. Thankyou.
Does anyone have any info regarding Larry leaving LIV? It would be wonderful, but don't want to get my hopes up.
Well now we know how Dorothy felt when the water hit the target! Ding Dong!!!!!, etc. "So long, we surely will not miss you" will be the party theme(s). Interesting that there was 2 versions. BIG surprise, Ha!, of the 'termination", the board getting the retirement routine and Staff getting the "thousands" of letter complaints cost his job routine, according to the word from the "bug-on-the-ceiling"! I suppose there was to be an outpouring of sympathy from Staff, I suspect a lot of dead silence was probably the norm! After announcing the "retirement" LD reportedly put his hat in the ring for a Board slot! Talk about CONFLICT OF INTEREST! 3-5 years from now should be required, if at any time! I CANNOT imagine trying to do the General manager's job with the old guy still here LEAST of all ON The BOARD! AZ should get a bug in his ear to be VERY careful about any "bad habits" he may want to pass along to the NEW guy, if he does not "retire" also!!!!!!
Aramark is advertising for two managers in Brownsville and Harlingen. Must be an epidemic.
Hey, Joey, it's May! Let's really "wipe the slate clean" and start a new era without LD...and a new suggestion box! Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Very well said Pat D., but most of these bloggers still don't get it! They rather complain and think negatively about everything. They are the CAVE people. Citizens Against Virtually Everything!!!
I like that (CAVE PEOPLE!)
‘if by “cavemen” you mean people who live in caves.’ Just visit the town of Coober Pedy in South Australia, where opals are mined—it’s so hot that some miners live in underground houses. Real live ‘cavemen’ with TV sets!
Caring Association
Values Ethics
I cannot believe how crazy this has gotten. This will be my last post on this subject, because if you haven't gotten it by now you never will. Your association dues DO NOT pay for the functions. Planning events and selling tickets does. Our winter D & E committee raises money and pays for the winter events. YOUR summer D & E committee should raise money and pay for the summer events. DO IT! I am not blowing MY horn. I am blowing the horn of everyone on the committee who work relentlessly to make it work. They deserve it! Volunteer and get it done. Enough said. Move on.
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