Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 27th Board Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking on Agenda IssuesLot? Spoke long about her concerns of the revenue losses in all the revenue sources, spending of the money on the roads and the cost of dredging. She also talked about the issues of the Bridge.

Directors Speaking
Dir. White mentioned a man named Ernest from the census will stop by to speak to owners.
Dir. Gagan said there was an e-mail scam going around with someone saying they lost their wallet and want you to send them money.

President’s Remarks-P. Burke took many minutes to say she had nothing to talk about.

Manager’s Report –Rick Horner said there were 12 building permits, three letters sent for violations, and $51,344 worth of condo fees in arrears. Mr. Horner said he had been bothered since starting his job that every work order in every month was completed because he knew that was impossible. He said that they were being put into the system after they were completed and starting Feb. 1st this will stop. They will go in the system (except cable) when received. He did not have the figures yet but knows the Restaurant is doing better.

Approval of Minutes for December

Treasurer’s Report-Treas. Steffensen touched on the operating funds, major improvement funds, building permit accts, insurance escrow accts, and cash in banks, holdings-investment accts, and accts. receivable totals. Question was asked where was the contingency funds the Board created when the condo fees were raised last time? The answer was those monies are now paying for the increased bridge assessments followed by a five minute orientation from P. Burke of what the Village has done to get help from the county and state. The P&L showed that every revenue center lost money with the exception of the Rental Dept. P. Burke made the comment that our Village is getting more rentals and dividends from implementing suggestions from a study made last year.

Committee Reports

1. D&E-Dir. White said the cocktail party with was a success. Upcoming events is the sock hop 1/30, Leslie on 2/1, raptor man will visit 2/5, trash & treasures on 2/6, Valentine and Retro dances will be sometime in February.
2. Golf-Dir. Pelletier said the committee meets the first Wed. each month at noon, everyone is welcomed. He said there will be an upcoming fundraiser and the concrete cart paths will be completed this year.
3. Pool-Treas. Steffensen had nothing to report except the wrist bands will change color this year.
4. Finance-Treas. Steffensen said the committee will meet Monday before the Coffee Meeting and the Audit has begun by a new person called Ron Rivera.
5. Other N/A

Unfinished Business

1. Budget 2010-Treas. Steffensen discussed with the other Directors the corrections in the current proposed budget. She made the comment in this Village budget that’s heavy with equipment the Village would be better off to buy used instead of lease.
2. Building Code changes-Dir. Pelletier got a motion passed to change wording of certification of contractors, eliminate the minimum of 36” height for park models, and that all outside lights in the canals must not bother neighbors.
Dir. Bergsma wanted to know exactly why the board doesn’t allow it the enclosing of decks with products like clear plastic easy breeze panels. P. Burke’s answer was the standards with putting them up and the enforcement in taking them. There would also be questions if this might add to the max total cubic ft. allowed for units. Motion made and died for a lack of a second to go further on the subject.
3. Check-In/Auto Pass-P. Burke passed this item on to Mr. Horner, who said the office had been confused for a long time on what to charge people, but it’s now corrected and prices are posted.
4. Dredging Report- Dir. Bergsma introduced Chris Ransom of a survey company that explained what they did and answered questions very well. Dir. Gagan explained his concern that John Freeland’s new canal will deposit material back into our canals when his canals are built. It was brought up about what action should be taken in getting permission from the Cowan Group to dredge canal H. One owner mentioned the possibility of a class action lawsuit if this dredging starts. All in all Dir. Bergsma did a great job at explaining the need, the survey costs, and the four steps necessary to dredge our waterways, but the overall cost are still a question. Lot 284 asked why our Village can’t we the $15,000 needed to pay for the initial survey so we know what money we are talking about. Motioned passed to table until the annual meeting.
5. 2010 Election Info-Dir. White gave the floor to Liz Deitrick who said on Feb 6th the packets will be mailed. She mentioned that same day there will be the Annual Wildlife and Outdoor Expo, featuring the Birds of Prey at the Convention Center. She said the proxy will now need a photo ID or notarized signature.
6. Security Concerns-P. Burke said security started a new method with documenting concerns and follow-up.
7. Vehicle Parking-P. Burke voiced that vehicles must not hang out in the road or be on the grass. Dir. Pelletier asked what it takes to tow cars parking over the allotted time in the Welcome Center.
SC51 request to allow the posting of their Church sales event sign was approved in the activity center.
8. Lot 267-Raynundo Lopez was a no show. Motion passed to give owner 30 days to start restoration of structure or its removal and must sign a form saying LIV can remove it at his expense if over that deadline.

New business N/A

Other N/A


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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Pledge of Allegiance

Comments from the suggestion box-VP Halbach
Lot 428 brought up reflectors to indicate what lots are for sell or rent. Response was this was brought up before, but will review again.
Lot 796 brought up how great the game of washers and bolts is and suggested the making of four boxes. Owner also asked to reset the horseshoe pegs.
Lot 184 said lot 183 is trashy and something needs to be done.
SC 12 asked if Security would stop the practice of people parking their vehicles on the grass or sticking out in the street.
Lot 759 said there seems a need for the towels and cleaner to be replaced earlier in the morning for the exercise room.
Lot 229 brought up an incident two months ago that she thought it was terrible when she heard a Board member was walking an unleashed dog that chased a renter’s cat. The facts were the dog just got loose and the board member was trying to catch it. P.Burke gave a long speech on rules and stories of barking dogs and even gave her own impersonation a dog barking.

Comments from the Audience
Lot 638 asked LIV's Security Manager if he allowed any of his employees to watch TV. Mr. Salazar said they watch for training at the guard house, but are never allowed to watch TV during rush hours. P. Burke said she has no objections for Security to watch TV.
Lot 631 complained about the wild cats who serenade late at night. P. Burke gave her opinion along with the rules of the Park.
Lot 288 Co-chairperson of the Election Committee announced information about the three vacancies available in the upcoming election.
SC120 asked why the picture of the old Hospitality Manager was still in the current management/director showcase. P. Burke said she has been trying to get the new GM, Hospitality manager, Ramona, and Armando together at the same time to take their individual pictures before she can remove that picture. Julio was mention for the first time in a meeting as the new Hospitality Manager.
Lot 443 had a large complaint about the condition of lot 267. P. Burke said it is at the Attorney.
SC120 asked about the music being shut off on channel 18 and if maintenance had sprayed for weeds on the golf course. P. Burke tried to make a joke when saying Elvis was singing at 2am and Armando said maintenance sprayed last Saturday.
Lot 229 asked if the Board had noticed the cable going out a few days back.

Comments from the Directors
Dir. Gagan said he is considering on waiting for the key card initiative and mentioned the number of raccoons in the Village.
Dir. Guerra told everyone happy new year.
Dir. Bergsma said at the next board meeting he will have consultants from Houston to talk about the dredging engineering study our Park is going to contract. He said our Village has applied for an extension to our dredging permit and that John Freeland will share in dredging costs. Freeland has also agreed to take our dredging material which might save our Village millions of dollars. This is a hydraulic survey engineering firm that uses high tech side scanning and GPS for preparing bid specifications for dredging operators, and will oversee the final bids for accuracy. Dir. Bergsma went on to say we are looking to do this by summer because Freeland’s need for this dredging material will end then. There was a question from the audience about dredging for all lots on the intercoastal waterway and canal H, which by the way are not the Village's common ground. Dir. Bergsma replied that no one should object in doing those too.
Dir. White mentioned the Monday 1/25 a cocktail party with Debbie Moore, a sock hop party on Sat. 1/30, and the trash and treasure on Sat. 2/6. There is also going to be a quilt raffle with the winner drawn at the annual meeting.
P. Burke said pool wrist bands are required 365 days a year and you will be asked to leave for not wearing one. No posting of signs will be tolerated unless approved by the Board. P. Burke said a decision was made to shelter the homeless at our Rec. Hall if Port Isabel had thought necessary during this last cold spell. She then read a letter of thanks from the Mayor.
Owner from lot #172 was left to speak about asking to sponsor to him in the Girls and Boys club bike marathon.

Dir. White wanted to talk about having different days for the early cocktail party events to spread the often overtime interruptions around.
Dir. Pelletier asked to move the Board meetings back into the A&C room. He talked about the three alterations for the Building Codes. Discussions were abounding that included the one on Dir. Bergsma request about enclosing his deck.
Treas. Steffensen talked on her major improvement lists and said there is funding now for a new truck and tractor. She talk about items that were put in their proper place. She touched on Water and Legal estimates.
Dir. Halbach talked on the earlier reflector request and it was decided to not do it. There was a rumor brought up about the line dancing instructor charging for her services. Rumor was found to be incorrect.
Dir. Gagan made a concern about way the Green Bikers were biking which brought out P. Burke’s speech on LIV’s road rules.



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Sunday, January 03, 2010


We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.

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