Sunday, November 04, 2007

POSTED 11/04/07
I hope you weren’t trying to leave or enter the park around 4:30 today. Our swing bridge popped a cable and was stuck opened. It’s Sunday afternoon and something in need of a repair usually means trouble.
The good news was our members of the Bridge Board was fixing it. From what I could see while being stranded on the P.I. side, they worked smart. In quick order the swing bridge was operating. Hats off to them!!! They deserve a mighty big THANKYOU. Read more on this article...

Saturday, November 03, 2007


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POSTED 11/02/07
Ring one up again for our General Manager. He fired a good golf course worker. Our G.M. told him and others that he was being replaced. Quite a few people were upset about this, so much so that they wanted to have a special meeting with the Board of Directors. Our Board President said that this was against our By-Laws and she would not call such a meeting.
All summer long our management said they couldn’t find people to work. They used it as their excuse why things around the Village were not getting done.
What is really being said around P.I and S.P.I. is our management’s reputation towards their treatment of workers is the real reason why they have a hard time hiring people.
It was also said this person was being fired because L.I.V. couldn’t afford keeping him on the payroll. I guess that means they’re not paying the person replacing him. Someone here is a liar-liar-pants on fire.
It will be interesting to see what different story our G.M. and Board President come up with next.
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